Divorce & Child Custody
Solutions you can live with

simplify your case - Limited Time Offer
What are you waiting for? The longer you take to get started, the more time that goes by. You know you are not dealing with a fair process. You know that doing things how they have been done for the last 50 years is not going to get you the outcome you seek. Get in on our first comprehensive all inclusive package at a discount. This is a limited time offer. And the number of packages available is limited.

Our Research and Experience is Your Safety Net
If you are going through a child custody suit and are being told that you are going to have to spend thousands of dollars and prove you are the better parent, and you want a better way with less expense, we can help you.
Our groundbreaking books, 24/7 on-demand online digital courses, motions sample arguments you won’t find anywhere else, will help you close the loopholes the family law system uses to steal your child and order child support and alimony. We help you identify the pitfalls in your pleadings, and help you put it all in language your attorney will understand. We can help you fine-tune your skills and work better with your legal team. You won’t find this anywhere else.
Save thousands of dollars and precious time
Simplify your case. Achieve better outcomes. Protect your right to equal time, equal rights, and freedom from having to live your life based on the decisions and patterns you set in your marriage or relationship. We created this comprehensive package to hhelp you jump right to the core issues that protect you from your ex using the judge to interfere with your fundamental right to decide how you choose to raise your child that is not dependent on whether you work with or get along with your ex. This package will help you insist that the judge apply the due process protections that you are entitled to. This is your shortcut. You don’t have time to waste. This package will provide you with te framing, guidance, and support that you cannot afford to be without!
- Save thousands of dollars
- Joint Custody Parenting Guidelines
- Get Parental Rights Protections for Divorce, for single parents, and for Paternity Child Custody suits, 50 50 custody agreement
- Learn how to protect your right to decide Best Interest of the Child
- Pro se help with Telephone Support
- Learn Litigation Strategies that can Save you Thousands of Dollars and Precious Time
- Motions / Pleadings Samples
Training Videos, Webinars, Books
- Avoid Discovery Pitfalls – Protect Your Assets
- Fight and Modify Child Support
- Fight Alimony / Spousal Maintenance
- Tons of Free Information for Family Law Parental Rights
- Child Custody Lawyer Assistance
- Level the playing field in Mediation
- Modification strategies and Divorce Appeal
- Parenting Plan Calendar Samples
- Learn what Attorneys are not telling YOU about separated parents rights
Comprehensive Packages
As a busy professionals pressed for time, with significant assets to protect, you don’t want your carreer and the protection of your assets to be used against you in the custody of your child. We offer comprehensive packages designed to maximize outcomes while respecting your valuable time. We recognize that conveying your values to your child, your way, is of vital importance to you. We agree that your rights do not, and cannot, depend upon your performing every routine child-care task yourself. Your child-care choices are yours to make, not the governments. We protect that rights. We protect your right to teach your child how to be successful in life, your way, without losing what is most important to you. The government cannot force you to choose between your career and your child simply because you get divorced. Let us help you win the child custody battle.
Through a monthly subscription model we are able to provide a wealth of content to many people at a reasonable monthly fee. We provide much of our training and our published books through this site. We provide rough edit book content as each section of a new book is completed. You get the content before the books get published and you get access to the final published versions. This material is always at your fingertips anywhere you have an Internet connection. Take it with you everywhere.
Even the well-off can be quickly financially devistated by the family law system. While we do this work full-time and must earn a living, we also strive to give back. If you are willing to put in the work necessary, we are prepared to connect you with the resources and the general knowledge that we struggled to find when we were going through this process. Through our free materials, we attempt to guide parents to free resources that simply were not available to us when we went through this.
We know that not everyone can afford comprehensive packages. We certainly couldn’t when we went through it. We offer one-on-one assistance to you and your attorney at hourly rates. We can answer you questions and provide assistance in customizing any of our standard offerings through one-on-one educational assistance which gives you confidence that you can manage this through your attorney or even pro se. Our goal is to provide for you the kind of educational assistance that did not exist when we went through our divorces Win Child Custody Products and Services child-custody battles. We won the child-custody battle and want to help you win child custody.
Solutions From Fix Family Courts
Now you have The ultimate source for solutions to protect your rights to your children
Our content and approach is published and open to public challenge. Our method continues to withstand critical challenge. Attorneys recognize the basic truths that are core to our materials. Learn how to win child custody battles and avoid the pitfalls. Learn how to defeat the lies that the family courts tell you. Learn what challenges you will face. These books provide you with the information you need to make the best decisions for you and your family. You will have the advantage because you will understand the process and know what decisions you will need to make before you have to make them. This reduces stress and allows you to focus on the things that are important to you, spending time with your child, and understanding what you ask from the court before you make the mistake of asking for something that opens you and your child up to the judges vague and overbroad discretion. Understand what best interest of the child really is and what it can do to your and your child’s life. Make more powerful arguments, learn how to challenge restraining orders, standing orders, and other erroneous and unconstitutional prior restraints and ex post facto punishments. Understand what these are and read the books in the membership site before you buy them.
The family court process is incredibly stressful. Going through a divorce or separation is incredibly stressful. You need a divorce guide who understands what you are going through, who does not work for the courts, who can answer your questions, who looks out for you and your rights. You need a mentor who can provide comfort, and constitutional explanations and strategies to help you get the best results from your family law attorney. You need a powerful child custody strategy to increase the liklihood that you will achieve your goals, and help maximize your outcomes, and protect your equal rights, reduce the possibility of your ex taking off with your child, losing your parental authority, and losing control of your future. Reduce the risk of parental alienation, understand the best coping strategies, manage your anxiety and symptoms that lead to PTSD, while staying strong and focused on the goals, preventing emotional reactions and being sucked into a cycle of negativity and depression. And importantly, learn what language is more likely to be enforceable in your final orders and divorce decrees in SAPCRs and other child custody suits.
Protecting your child starts with protecting your parental rights. Our pre-trial framing motions, motions to object to unconstitutional burdens like appointing an amicus or doing a child custody study, and petition arguments are documented in legal form to make it easy for your attorney to use, cut and paste, and file* them complete with minor modifications. Credibility is quickly demonstrated in terms that make sense to your attorney. These arguments are fully researched and supported with caselaw. Making a constitutional argument has never been so easy. Now you can preserve your equal rights with the leverage of constitutional guarantees and protect your child from the whims of unconstitutional government interference by the judge.**
* Motions are not file ready.
**There are no guarantees that you will receive the same results as someone else. Using these arguments does not guarantee that you will win at the trial court hearing, they preserve error, and your ability to appeal error.
We sit at the table and support your attorney in real-time. We keep your case on track and help you stay in control, relieving your stress and increasing your confidence and your attorney’s competence in constitutional rights preservation of error. We help you and your attorney tell your story without waiving your rights, help organize evidence, and help your attorney with finding the strengths and weaknesses in your case constitutionally, while preserving error for appeal if that becomes necessary. We make good attorneys great and great attorneys exceptional when it matters for you. We provide the research and resources that your attorney does not have – many of our arguments are original epiphanies and come from distilling caselaw. Our arguments have been used in many trials and appeals. Parents using these arguments have been able to get more custody time, better parenting plans with no supervised visitation. Some have seen the end to supervised visitation, reversed temporary orders, objected to GALs and won, objected to psych evals and won custody of their child.
Your attorney’s confidence in this approach will be greately enhanced when they see you have done your homework and understand the core issues regarding the law, understand how to communicate your goals so that they translate to legal terms. Understand caselaw, which ones you need, what legal terms mean like procedural and substantive rights, and how to challenge threats on your and your child’s right to equal access. It takes knowledge to win child custody and we provide what it takes to win. It is all in our membership site 24/7 online any time you need it as long as you have an internet connection. You can access all of our books, read the motions before you buy them. Know what you need and have it at your fingertips when you need it, even if you need pro se help. Prove that you are entitled to 50/50 custody and challenge child support. Protect your future pocketbook from unnecessary discovery and learn what arguments will reach your goals and which ones will lead you into bankruptcy. Learn what decisions to make to protect your freedom, get control of your life back from your ex and the family courts playing super parent. Learn what to ask for and what not to ask for to get shared parenting and joint custody agreements even with high conflict parents.
Optimal outcomes require much more than a legal strategy. Our strategic approach integrates methods that help you in and out of the court, provides you with maximum leverage to resolve the issue efficiently and effectively with minimal delays, reduces the use of expensive tactics that have historically increased parent-child risk and exposure to invasions of privacy, eliminates expenses like GALs, Amicus, psych evals, custody evals and studies, that invade privacy, and eliminates vulnerability to application of personal bias, prejudice, and erroneous forward looking policies that strip you and your child of precious fit father and fit mother equal time or least restrictive parenting plan orders. Our arguments provide you with the strongest and most comprehensive legal strategy and goes much further in preparing you to win this child custody fight. Winning strategies are comprehensive integrated strategies.
Topic Webinars
Our webinars are delivered live with an audience and recorded for your convenience. This less formal setting helps you get to know us and you also get the benefit of hearing the questions others have. Benefit from others experience and avoid the pitfalls and mistakes. Preserve your resources for the things that will help you win custody of your child and restore yours and your child’s rights.

Topic Videos
Being prepared gives you an edge. Our specially prepared videos give you confidence in knowing the process and issues that you will face before you face them. Learn about the family court process and what you will need and when you will need it to fight for child custody.
We provide constitutional arguments to defeat unjust family law practices
in the areas of child-custody, alimony, and child-support
wining Child Custody
You have a fundamental right to the full custody of your child that is individual, independent from your marriage, and equal to the right of the other parent. Your right to choose to divorce or never marry is constitutionally protected and that choice may not be punished by the state with loss of custody. Your state government knows it is violating your rights but doesn’t care because parents don’t stand up and fight them. You can stop them legally, if you are willing to fight. We teach parents and their attorneys how to win this fight.
defeating Child Support
You have a fundamental right to care for your child directly. You have a right to be held to the exact same standard of care that married parents are held to. The children of married parents cannot suffer a lesser standard of child-care than children of divorced parents. The state has NO legitimate authority to impose a “best” standard of care on you or to compel you to work under threat of jail if you fail to meet this “best” standard. Your state knows this but continues because parents don’t learn how to stop them.
Alimony / Spousal Mantenance
Alimony is the biggest most outdated and unconstitutional scheme going. You have a fundamental right to freely associate, to marry, or to not marry which the state is prohibited from punishing. You have a right to be free from servitude or working for the benefit of another. The exceptions made for alimony were put in place during a time when women were legally prevented from working and did not have equal rights. Those exceptions cannot stand today, yet many would rather pay them untold thousands of dollars than learn how to fight this injustice. We have cracked the code regarding alimony and can teach you to destroy your supposed duty to work for the benefit of another.
save thousands of dollars and precious time
In order to simplify and help you achieve the outcome of equal time, equal rights, and freedom from having to live your life based on the decisions and patterns you set in your marriage or relationship, we created this comprehensive package to help you jump right to the core issues that protect you from your ex using the judge to interfere with your fundamental right to decide how you choose to raise your child that is not dependent on whether you work with or get along with your ex, and that insists that the judge apply the due process protections that you are entitled to. This is your shortcut. You don't have time to waste. This package will provide you with the framing, guidance, and support that you cannot afford to be without! Click HereWhat will happen to me
What you experience will depend upon the path you take.
This video describes the traditional path most attorneys will take you down that you will want to avoid like you would avoid a flu epidemic unless you want to be broke, depressed, and alone.